
Altium Designer (AD) is computer-aided design software for electronics and printed circuit boards. It is developed by Australian software company Altium Limited.

The Altium Designer suite encompasses four primary functional areas, including schematic capture, 3D printed circuit board design, programmable gate array (FPGA) development, and version and data management.

This tutorial only works with an email address from your school

In this tutorial we will see how to download the educational version of Altium. This only works if you have an email from your school.

Altium download

We first go to the altium website: alitum designer education.

Once on the site, you will complete the “free Enrollment for Altium Education” with your school email address:

On your email address provided you will receive an email to the Altium download site. All you have to do is download Altium Designer:

Once downloaded, you can double click on the installer:

Once on the installer, you click next:

We accept the user agreement:

You must then log in with the account you created on Altium:

We accept the user agreement:



Here you must enter the location where Atlium Desgner will be installed on your computer:

Once the software is installed, all you have to do is launch it and activate the licenses by clicking on “Use License”:

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you download Altium Designer for free?

Yes, the education version of alitum designer is free. To do this, you need an email address from your school.

How long is an alitum designer education license valid for?

The altium education license is valid for 1 year